My neighbor gave me a scrap piece of wood for this years Mason Bee apartment complex. I hope they like this house.

Great advice from a Master Mason Bee Keeper. I had said that many of my bees drown last year in my water buckets and the suggestion was made to put a stick my water buckets. I leave water out to remove clorine for watering my seedlings and for my compost teas. So far so good. No bees floating in the water.

The Mason Bees are starting to emerge from the tubes.

March 1st the lettuce and cabbage are sprouted and ready for the ground when I am.

I planted some beets yesterday.

Peppers 1st night outside and the peppers appear to be doing ok. I set them outside whenever it was sunny even on cold days 45 degrees.

Kale, radish and cabbages sprouting

Kale and chard will go in ground when I have time. Whats going on in the green house March 1st.

Spring is here in Beaverton. My trees are starting to bloom and the winter sowed seed is coming up. I moved the table to garden for potting up. I added charcoal, and worm castings to the mix this time and hoping for good results.
My friends came helped to start veggies for the Gleaner Gardens and other gardens. We had a great lunch of chicken soup made with kale and spinach from the garden, salad with home grown sprouts, home made pickles of carrot, beet and ginger, meat balls (ground beef, onion, cilantro) in a mushroom sauce with bay, rosemary and sage and brown rice.
It was a lovely day with great company. The sun cooperated and we have lots of starts. Next I have to move my shelves to my new green house.
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